събота, 13 септември 2014 г.


LOVE IS A GIFT is my Author's song ( lyrics & music) that was composed long time ago but finally is made with a new arrangement and is mixed in April 2014 by DJ - The Editor. Although my vocals are not recorded in a studio the idea is clear: better to lose our FEAR  - LOVE IS A GIFT https://soundcloud.com/diangeli/love-is-a-gift-1

вторник, 9 септември 2014 г.

How to quit smoking at once?

How to quit smoking at once? 
As a chain smoker addicted to cigarettes I had asked many times HOW?

I have tried twice but was so so hard due to inner deep need of a dose of nicotine and during my attempts was so so nervous, was shaking and waves were floating over me. In this cases the max period I managed without smoking was few days and in these moments I was the worst person ever – so negative and destructive! OMG was better to keep smoking but to stay in love with all around me and not to kill them. So every day I kept getting up with my first thought in head-need a cigarette with my coffee. During the day when was working needed to lit a cigarette just to sharp my brain (can u imagine how I matched the cigarettes with productive work!) and till evening had approx. 20 cigarettes. Of course, my last thought before goodnight – let’s smoke one more otherwise cannot fall asleep.Wow and on top I have always been a woman who knows how to care for my skin, what to eat to look good, what to avoid (incl cigarettes based on their impact for the derma) that men was always turning around and women made me compliments as well

Although knowing to have young beautiful skin is not a gift and won’t last forever and although having the knowledge that smoking is killing our youth and health, I kept smoking with excuses like I cannot go toilet without a cigarette and a coffee in the morning for example and and until… one day just after next cigarette in the office suddenly I could not take a breath. I got deep pain inside my Brest, next to heart and I thought that looks like a heart attack. Then with last voice asked my colleagues to call my doctor or emergency. Well few min later my doctor told me nothing to worry about- is not a heart attack! On the next days I have tried and tried to quit smoking but could not resist.Looks like 

As a chain smoker started with 17 finally I did it at once exactly on 21st of Sept 2010. How? Very simple and without medicine without even dreaming of a cigarette - immediately I got disgusted of smoke and never wanted to lit one cigarette or taste it. OK, 4 years ago I sent a command to my brain to quit as I don’t like smoking anymore and can live without it just like I came in this world by birth – without any kind of need to smoke until my seventeen. I asked I prayed also to God to send me strength and same time had tried meditation- took a deep breath and had ordered my Brain not to react of any smoke or the view of cigarettes not to match the pleasure with them but opposite to realize that we came on this Earth without the need to smoke without knowledge of how to smoke or what is to smoke. So based on this fact that we can live without it and is only a matter of self-control and brain command, from this moment I have never ever had abstinence or a feeling, desire to smoke. Nothing could distract me anymore of my firm will -even surrounded by smokers (as that time in our public places was not forbidden to smoke). Nothing to tempt me anymore even personal fails, love breaks, job stress - NOTHING.
Now I still look young and fresh, saved money (approx. EUR 5000), buy clothes and good cosmetic and do not worry in places where smoking is not allowed. No more bad smell in mouth when kissing and no more stink coming from my clothes and hair, no more yellow teeth and no problem with stomach and toilet. As a result I put only 3 kg on top but with 54kg now I look even better according to others and feeling sexy.

Sharing this experience with you HOW to win the battle with smoking hoping that it may help you smokers to do it this way or your way. Just I will be happy that you are happy and healthy feeling free in life without smoking.
With Love,

Diana Trenchi

сряда, 2 април 2014 г.


Добре дошли в света на Диана - място изпълнено с оптимизъм, страсти и контрасти, музика, енергия, любов, както и съвети за цял живот!

Аз съм една българка, родена по времето на желязната завеса и по професия съм ПР специалист, но най - вече съм творец и хуманист. С годините натрупах опит, срещах от цял свят хора интересни, вървях по пътища не лесни, но се научих как да прескачам препъни камъните и дори написах песни. Ето защо реших да споделя с вас своите умения и при нужда да дам решения за житейските ви подобрения. Родена съм на седмо число и според нумерологията откривам и развивам духовни ценности. Що се отнася до астрологията, съм овен и представете си - огнен дракон по китайския хороскоп, така че огън бушува в мен:-) Добре, че има и вода в луна - рак, любител на красотата, екзотичното и магнетичното. Ето защо при нужда мога да дам съвет как да изградите положителен имидж, да се чуствате по - щастливи, какъв избор да направите, как да преминете по - леко в проблемна ситуация и като цяло да подобрите живота си. Вярвам, че света може да стане по - добро място ако общуваме без усложнения, даряваме и изразяваме любов, споделяме опит и най - вече градим помежду си положителни отношения. Тук е мястото да се изразя и с позитивна енергия да ви заредя. Надявам се да повярвате в чудесата, смело да отворите сърцата и да подмладите лицата. Ще се радвам да съм полезна и да успеете да полетите и сбъднете мечтите - живота си като цяло да промените! 

Хайде да запалим още сега мотора и с Бога напред, и нагоре да полетим към простора!